1 February 2024

Case study: Reviewing with a bicultural lens – the Kōwhiritanga programme

At Corrections, we run a range of programmes, each tailored to a specific need or population group.

One of those programmes is the Kōwhiritanga programme, a programme specifically designed and delivered for wāhine. The programme has been around since 2004, but it was recently reviewed to assess if the current programme is effective for wāhine Māori.

Jackie, a Senior Adviser for Kaupapa Māori supervision, was part of the review process for the programme, and worked with another Senior Adviser to ensure that the programme was reviewed from a bicultural lens. To do this, they worked on the literature review from both angles - a traditional review, looking at research studies, and a literature review specifically focused on Kaupapa Māori.

This helped to set the foundation of the review, ensuring that they continued to look at the content from a bicultural perspective.

In reflecting on what’s needed for a programme to truly integrate Kaupapa Māori, Jackie says that as well as bringing it in to session content, it’s also important to ensure that staff have training and support. This includes gaining a good understanding of Kaupapa Māori concepts, so they can apply them in a therapeutic context, in real time.

“That could mean, for example, if something is shared in the group, being able to apply those concepts as part of your facilitation and support.”

Bringing in that lens was important, as they found the Kaupapa Māori content often resonates strongly with participants.

“I think part of the gifts of the Kaupapa Māori content in the programme is that it’s really about identity - who are you, who do you want to be based your values? That can be really powerful,” Jackie says.